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Beyond The Board

About Us

We are a small family run business in Victoria Australia.

With the challenges of 2020 as a family we recognised we were all spending far too much time on screens. To try and overcome this we sought out a family activity we could all take part in together. When playing board games was suggested there were groans of “Ugh, board games – boring.” It was immediately clear pulling out one of the dusty old classics was not going to be a solution. As opposed to giving up on the idea completely we hit the internet, I know right, more screen time.

We searched game shops far and wide, and we did it together on one device. That one simple act changed everything for our family. Without even having a game we wanted to play we were all together making lists of games we wanted to try, watching videos about games we had never heard of (there were so many, we were such board game noobs) and proclaiming our gaming prowess. All without even having a single new game to play yet.

By the end of that first evening we had a list of games we wanted, had placed our first order and were eagerly awaiting its arrival. And we had so much fun together doing it.

A few days later our game arrived and early that evening, after dinner and dishes were completed with a speed previously unheard of, we sat down together around the table and began the unboxing. We played our first game wrong, we played it wrong a few times through the week in fact, while we slowly came to grips with the rules. But, it was amazing, it was hilarious and it was hands down the best thing that had happened to our family in some time. We were together, away from our screens, enjoying each other’s company. There were claims of game dominance, there was light hearted banter, plenty of laughter and more importantly there was us together as a family.

We have been playing games together now, almost nightly, ever since. We have a board where we record victories and reward points. The winner of each of our gaming rounds selects the next game to purchase. But, the real winner for each round is all of us, our family is closer, has greatly reduced the amount of time spent solitarily on screens and has seen stress levels melt away. Weekend game nights have also become a hit with friends, even those who were at first reluctant to have a go.

We want to bring that to other families and their friends, so here we are Beyond The Board!

Unleash your game night!